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Super Street Fighter IV Arcade per PC usa GFWL

Ma siamo impazziti?! Games For Windows Live al posto di Steam?!

In order to create an identical level of services as we’ve provided on the console, we’ve selected Games for Windows Live as the online services layer within SSFIV:AE. So the replay channels, achievements, friends lists, messaging, etc. are exactly the same as they are on Xbox Live. Before it gets asked though, no there is no cross platform matching/play.

If you aren’t signed in to an online GFWL profile, the offline mode has limited functionality. Obviously there’s no online play, access to replay channels or other online-centric features (and this is the part that keeps the online play secure from hackers or pirates). Additionally, you won’t be able to save any progress in challenges or settings, won’t have access to any DLC you’ve purchased and all local play will be restricted to 15 of the 39 characters.


Shame on you capcom!


Una replica a “Super Street Fighter IV Arcade per PC usa GFWL”

  1. Kimahri ha detto:

    Beh almeno esce anche su steam, quindi verrà strascontato più avanti. XD

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