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Spiderman: Edge of Time annunciato [UPDATE]

Nuove informazioni grazie a Nintendo Everything

– Josh Keaton is the voice of the Amazing Spider-Man in Edge of Time
– Peter David working on the story
– Team started working on Edge of Time before Shattered Dimensions shipped
– Dev. team took fan feedback from Shattered Dimensions into account
– Stars Spider-Man 2099 and Amazing Spider-Man
– Releasing this fall
– Connected timeline
– Scientist from 2099 travels back in time, looking to destroy Spider-Man
– Contains cause/effect gameplay
– The actions you perform affect things
– Platforms have yet to be announced
– Peter David has been working with Beenox on the game
– Not a sequel to Shattered Dimensions
– Team has really worked on the combat
– Elements from Shattered Dimensions will be brought over, seeing enhancements
– Chris Barnes is the voice of Spider-Man 2099
– Story is very character driven
– Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 don’t get along very well in the beginning
– The stories unfold at the same time

Activision ha appena annunciato il nuovo titolo dell’ arrampicamuri, sviluppato da Beenox, gli stessi creatori di Shattered Dimension.
Press release completa su herohq.


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