Il multiplayer di Uncharted 3 potrebbe essere diverso da U2
Direttamente da Gamepro uno stralcio dell’ articolo che parla dell’ ispirazione presa per il multiplayer del terzo capitolo delle avventure di Nathan Drake basato su Assassins Creed e Red Dead Redemption:
In the latest GamePro Magazine some new info is revealed about Uncharted 3 Multiplayer.
First of all, Naughty Dog wants Uncharted 3 to be the “go to game for PS3 multiplayer”. Developers also admit that UC2 MP could have been better, but they didn’t have enough time to work on it. Naughty Dog cited titles such as Red Dead Redemption and Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood as influences on multiplayer. Also after all the lab tests for UC2 MP Naughty Dog said that “One thing we learned from UC2 mp was that damage/health should be “the same or similar to single player”.
A me il multiplayer di U2 è piaciuto tantissimo, fosse anche uguale non mi lamenterei, basta che l’avventura in single player sia luuuuuunga.
Grazie Uncharted Central.