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Rayman Origins sugli scaffali, BG&E2 riconfermato

Sempre dallo stesso post di Neogaf arrivano informazioni interessanti su BG&E2 e Rayman Origins.
A quanto pare Ancel sta lavorando sul sequel di BG&E da parecchio tempo e che il risultato di una pausa da questo progetto ha dato il via alla creazione di Rayman Origins, confermato in edizione Retail.

Altre notizie, qui sotto.

– Ancel notes that he’s been working on BG&E2 for “a while”. He said they’ve had a little break from that project that that’s where RO started
– He noted that few people finished the original Rayman due to its difficulty. They hope to change that by making this one more accessible while still offering a challenge
– They’re trying to design the game to fit various platforming styles. So people that enjoy collecting will have plenty to collect but it’s also being designed for those that like to do speedruns
– The Lums you collect will act as currency for new power ups, health and ‘I Dare You’ challenges.
– ‘I Dare You’ challenges are where you wager on whether you can complete a complex, acrobatic chain.
– The game now supports 4 player local (they don’t say anything about online) co-op.
– “The levels are designed with both single-playing and multiplayer in mind, so no one is at a loss if a player tackles the game alone or in a group.
– Rayman, Globox and two teensies were the 4 characters used in the mutliplayer demo
– In order to keep the game accessible all characters will have the same abilities
– While the game was a downloable title it has since become a full retail title. Ancel said that comes from people wanting to make a real sequel
– It’s due this holiday for the PS3 and 360


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